Budgies are Beautiful 1

Budgies are Beautiful 1


House paint, acrylic paint and collage on handmade Khadi watercolour paper with hand torn edges (Produced for the album by Air-cooled)
82cm x 82cm. Framed in white washed wooden frame


When Mew was asked to produce the artwork for the band Air-cooled’s first album it felt like a ‘biggie’ for Mew so along with the band it was decided to use the Leopard that Mew uses in several of her pieces of art. 

When she was then asked to produce artwork for the second album she was a bit more confident so she says 'I suggested immediately that I’d love to do a budgie, something that I’d been wanting to paint for ages and they didn’t laugh me out of the room, so that was a result! I think i love the idea of the budgie for the same reason as the leopard. The porcelain leopard can be seen as kitsch and tacky and not ‘real art’? I think that the budgie also has these very unfair (in my opinion) connotations, cheesy, decorative birds that can be associated with gaudy interiors?    

Note: As well as being album-cover-artist extraordinaire,  Mew plays synth for Air-cooled 

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